1. Which of the following contributes to the digital divide?

I: Cost of technology

II: Access for the disabled

III: Lack of education

IV: Lower-performance computers

A. I and II only

B. I, II, and III only

C. I, II, III, and IV

D. None of the above

C. I, II, III, and IV

2. One of the following is NOT an effect of the digital divide.

A - Online polls underrepresent rural areas.

B - Certain problems are not possible to solve in a reasonable time, so approximate solutions are used.

C - Twitter opinions are over-representative of young and urban people

D - Senior citizens are less trained to access online resources during

B, because the amount of time something takes has nothing to do with the demographic of people that it reaches.

3. Pat the Billionaire reads about the digital divide and wants to do something to improve it. Which of the following would be the best?

A - Use twitter to tweet helpful computer hints to people who do not know how to use computers

B - Establish a free internet service for workers at New York City financial institutions

C - Build internet infrastructure for rural cities in the United States

D - Build a new skyscraper with ultra-fast internet for office workers working at Amazon

C, oftentimes people living in rural cities don’t have a great connection, so providing them with internet infrastructure will likely make their lives a lot easier

4. One of these is FALSE. Which?

A - A for-profit company could help reduce the digital divide by offering reduced pricing to geographically remote areas.

B - A non-profit company can help reduce the digital divide by refurbishing phones and donating them to low-income areas.

C - A movie celebrity could eliminate the digital divide in a city by donating enough money to pay for free computers and wireless hotspots.

D - A for-profit company could help reduce the digital divide by paying for tutors for introductory computer science classes at schools around the state

C, the people are already in a city, so the cities have low digital divide, so they don’t need the new infrastructure to help them.

Extra Credit: Write a few sentences answering the prompt (90%+): How can you help end the digital divide?

To help end the digital divide, I can spread awareness about it by talking with peers and friends and family. I could join clubs at school that could raise fundraisers for change. I could also voulenteer for events dealing with the digital divide. To make change happen, I must monitor my own actions surrounding my use of devices.