General Role in the Project

For our passion project of Project Study Buddy, I was assigned to the frontend and worked mainly on the design elements of the project, as well as a little bit of code with CSS, JavaScript, and HTML.

My code

I worked with CSS for styling the homepage, buttons, header & footers, menus, and for making the timer go around in a circle. I worked with JavaScript as I made the timer function, run, and repeat. And I worked primarily with HTML to add functionality to the homepage as well as import the base timer from


layout: base title: Scheduling App —

Project Study Buddy

What we're about: </h3>

In our project, we intend to make scheduling for homework and study habits easier, by enabling students with the ability to create a plan to disperse workload, in the hopes that it would break procrastination habits. Daniel Choi, Rayyan Darugar, Aidan Lau, Nathaniel Obodovski all collaborated to bring you a program focused on taking input and making classes to keep your personalized schedule in an accessable database of which you can alter and adjust to your needs. We've taken concepts that we've learned about all throughout our time spent in our AP Computer Science Principles course and used what we've learned about teamwork and divide + conquering workload to bring you our passion project Study Buddy.

Daily plan ### timer.ipynb %%html
# Project takeaways During this passion project, I learned a lot about splitting up my time, as I worked with Aidan, Rayyan, and Daniel. We proved to be a very good team with a very personal connection with each other as well outside of the coding world, but we worked well together. We never had trouble assigning roles and getting done what needed to get done, despite time constraints and each other's setbacks. We each had our own roles which came with our own contributions. For me personally, I feel as if I could've contributed more on this project as did some of my other teammates, and I feel very guilty about this, but this is something I can take with me moving forward with my coding carreer, and I strive to be more prominent in group work. I don't think our passion project is perfect and I still think there is work to be done, and if we decide to pick it up again, I think it would be fun for the four of us to tune some things up on the project. Even for other future projects, I can take things that I've learned from this project including what went well, what didn't go well, and what I did to troubleshoot. I look forward to applying these skills in future timesters and in future courses, and maybe even later in life. } .base-timer__label { position: absolute; width: 300px; height: 300px; top: 0; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; font-size: 48px; } </style>
# Project takeaways During this passion project, I learned a lot about splitting up my time, as I worked with Aidan, Rayyan, and Daniel. We proved to be a very good team with a very personal connection with each other as well outside of the coding world, but we worked well together. We never had trouble assigning roles and getting done what needed to get done, despite time constraints and each other's setbacks. We each had our own roles which came with our own contributions. For me personally, I feel as if I could've contributed more on this project as did some of my other teammates, and I feel very guilty about this, but this is something I can take with me moving forward with my coding carreer, and I strive to be more prominent in group work. I don't think our passion project is perfect and I still think there is work to be done, and if we decide to pick it up again, I think it would be fun for the four of us to tune some things up on the project. Even for other future projects, I can take things that I've learned from this project including what went well, what didn't go well, and what I did to troubleshoot. I look forward to applying these skills in future timesters and in future courses, and maybe even later in life.