## Homework Problem 1

# Checks if user is a citizen
citizen = input('Are you a citizen? (y/n)')
if citizen == 'n':
    print('You\'re not eligible to become president')
    # If they're a citizen, we can prompt them for their age
if citizen == 'y':
    age = int(input('What is your age?'))
    # If they're a citizen and of age, they can run for president
    if age >= 18:
        print('You can run for president!')
        print('You\'re a minor and minors can\t run for president!')
# If the first quesiton isn't answered correctly, ask them what the hell they mean

You can run for president!
## Homework Problem 2

years = int(input('How long have you been working here in years?:'))
if years >= 5:
    salary = int(input('What is your salary?:'))
    new_wage = salary * 1.05 
    print(new_wage + ' is your new salary!')
if years < 5:
    print('No increased wage for you!')
## Homework 3

marks = float(input('What is your grade average'))

if marks < 25:
    print('You got an F')
if 25 <= marks <= 45:
    print('You got an E')
if 45 < marks < 50:
    print('You got a D')
if 50 <= marks < 60:
    print('You got a C')
if 60 <= marks < 80:
    print('You got a B')
if 80 <= marks:
    print('You got an A')
You got a B