Topic 3.16: Simulations

Learning Objective:

  • How computers can be used to represent real-world phoenomena

Essential Knowledge:

  • Simulations are abstractions for more complex objects or phoenomena for a specific purpose

  • Mimic real-world events, with simplification

  • Made to refine results/hypothesis

  • May have limitations or bias

  • When creating car-testing simulations, we assume the driver is at least 16 years old, and has their seatbelt on.

  • Examples: Radar displays, RNG simulating variability, and weather forecasting



  • Simulation abstraction - The little errors or unusual things that come up when running a simulation

Popcorn Hack 1:

  • True or false:
  1. (T or F) A simulation will always have the same result

  2. (T or F) A simulation is used when it would be more convenient than an experiment

  3. (T or F) A simulation models very specific scenarios

  4. (T or F) A simulation cannot provide valid data to be used as fact


  1. F

  2. T

  3. T

  4. F