Summary of Accomplishments

Update Blog to contain all hacks.

  • Reviewed with Pair. Discuss/Show evidence.

Rayyan and I worked together on all of our issues, with me helping him and with him helping me. We’ve had a lot of collaboration both in school and not in school. This can be proven by our text messages, which are primarily about the material in this class.

  • Discuss laptop, cloud computer.
  • Discuss tools setup and troubles.
  • Show personal blog / home page.
  • Show how you are maintaining notes, answering hacks, and showing tangibles.
  • How have you learned Markdown, HTML, CSS, JavaScript.
  • Show Jupyter Notebooks and how you have added and organized them in the blog.
  • Show evidence of using Slack Account, show app installed on Laptop and/or phone. Show awared of #annoncements, #general, #coding.
  • Run make commands to build and test blog locally, before pushing changes to GitHub pages.
  • Discuss GitHub Account, show ability to push/pull changes from VSCode.
  • Discuss development on Themes, show how you plan to organized lab notebook.